Healing treatments
Depending on the reason for seeking a healing treatment. You may need 1 or a series of treatments.
How many treatments?
To get maximum benefits 5-12 treatments are recommended with an interval of 1 day to 1 week, the main thing is regularity, and how quickly you want to heal. From the first session you will feel better, it is not advisable to stop, from experience I know our problems much deeper. Therefore, I recommend the course of procedures. At the first session, it will be clear how many sessions are needed, I do diagnostics and a session. The first procedure is diagnostics and cleaning, then a course of treatment, then filling with energy. After that, you can conduct sessions according to your condition. It all depends on your lifestyle. If you care about your health, eat right, do not have stress, then once a month you can only do cleansing and hormonization of your bodies: physical and energy.
By allowing at least a day between treatments, you create space for conscious and subconscious processing of the treatment.

Positive effects of having:
  • Health improvement
  • Increased energy
  • Positive thoughts/release of trauma/ increased gratitude
  • More radiant health
  • Looking younger/better body image
  • More delight in life's moments
  • Increased joy & energy
  • Improved relationships (and love life)
  • Better sleep
  • Improved communications
  • Increased resources for serving others
  • Clearer thinking
  • Improved abundance & prosperity
  • Sharper intuition
  • Feeling very calm and peaceful
  • Relief of pain, aches in the body
  • Relief of ailment in the body
  • Laughter!
Arrive comfortably. I ask that you take your shoes off at the door. You will lie down on a specially prepared surface, fully clothed. I have sheets, blankets in case you need them.
To prepare for healing treatment: Please do not wear any colognes or perfumes.
If you can do without caffeine even better. Caffeine interferes with the healing process and has a way of stopping parts of the healing process.
Have a light breakfast or lunch.
Try not to eat 1 hour before the appointment.
What to wear: Wear something warm and comfortable.
I have a comfortable place ready to receive you, you don't have to worry about anything.
*** If you have sensitivity to certain smells, incense, please let me know before the day of the procedure****

Healing treatments
"First diagnosis and purification" 60 min.
"Rejuvenation" 45 min.
"Magic" 45 min.
"Women's Health" 45 min.
"Healthy relationships with yourself with people" 45 min.
"Opening cash flow" 45 min.
"Restoration of vital energy" 45 min.

Treatment is a deep cleanse of the
Mind ~ Body ~ Spirit.
“First diagnosis and cleansing" 60 min.
If you are with me for the first time, then we begin with the diagnosis of your general condition. Then we remove the pain and discomfort, so that you relax as much as possible. Then cleaning all your seven bodies. This is very important, since in addition to the physical daily bathing in the bath, we also need to clean our energy bodies. This treatment consists of several medical procedures. I combine different energy flows for maximum healing effect.
Energies that open and clear chakras. The pyramid helps eliminate all negativity, bad energy and imbalances in the mind and body. Energy calms and relaxes nerves, stress and mental irritation. The energy releases and purifies unwanted negative energies of the mind, body, spirit. Healing energies to remove ailments, blocks and pains in the body while restoring the balance of the chakras. Energy permeates every chakra - another healing therapy that cleanses the mind, body and spirit, balancing the masculine and feminine energies of the body. You will get an intuitive understanding of what is received during the treatment. All this is combined with spiritual healing throughout the treatment. At the end of the procedure, the energy remains with you, I perform a special ceremony and this energy will fill you for another 6 hours. (60min) $150.

"Magic 45 min"
This is a deeper cleanse of mind ~ body ~ spirit.
This treatment is a much deeper energy cleanse of any restricted energy that may be weighing you down.
Restrictions in the mind, body, spirit. Feeling foggy, tired, irritation, depression, and any blockages in the mind, body, spirit.
Chakra crystal healing, in which the crystals line up along the body. Crystals charged with Reiki energy and the flow of energy penetrates the chakras, releasing and clearing them of unwanted negative energies in the mental, physical and emotional body. Healing crystals remove ailments, pains and blockages in the body, restoring the balance of the chakras. You will gain a deeper intuitive understanding of what was received during the treatment. All this is combined with deep spiritual healing throughout the treatment.
At the end of the procedure, the energy remains with you, I perform a special ceremony and this energy will fill you for another 6 hours. (45min) $120.
Rejuvenation" 45min
This treatment consists of multiple healing therapies combined with spiritual healing, different energy flows for maximum healing effect.
Energies that open and clear chakras. The pyramid helps eliminate all negativity, bad energy and imbalances in the mind and body. Energy calms and relaxes nerves, stress and mental irritation. The energy releases and purifies unwanted negative energies of the mind, body, spirit. Healing energies to clear ailments, blocks and pains in the body while restoring the balance of the chakras. Energy permeates every chakra - another healing therapy that cleanses the mind, body and spirit, balancing the masculine and feminine energies of the body. You will get an intuitive understanding of what is received during the treatment. All this is combined with spiritual healing throughout the treatment. At the end of the procedure, the energy remains with you, I perform a special ceremony and this energy will fill you with you for another 6 hours. (45min) $100.
"Women's Health" 45 min.
Everything related to women's health, we treat Lunar Reiki. Cancer, fibroids, painful periods, infertility, pressure.

"Healthy relationships with yourself with people" 45 min.
Anything to do with relationships. Building all relationships. Relations with parents, with children, with a husband, with colleagues at work, with yourself, not self-love.

"Opening cash flow" 45 min.
Purification of karma and removal of the curse of cash flow. Expansion of cash flow.

"Restoration of vital energy" 45 min.
Energizing all 7 chakras. Full fullness and energy. Life in full abundance.

These procedures represent a deep energy impact, depending on your request. To work with requests, I advise you to take courses of 5-10 procedures with an interval of a day or a week. For example every Monday at 10 am. 5 weeks in a row. It all depends on your condition in which you came to me. You will feel relief from the very first session.
A Reiki session is right for you if you:
Experiencing financial problems
Money is slipping through your fingers, loans are snowballing, debt is choking you. It means that your money channel is closed, with the help of money Reiki sessions we will open a flow of abundance for you.
Your personal life is crumbling
before your eyes
If you cannot build a healthy relationship, if your husband has stopped paying attention to you, if your partner no longer wants to make contact, then a Reiki "Soulmate" session will suit you.
You are feeling unwell
They may be related to the loss of a loved one, the breakup of a relationship, you are experiencing physical pain, then a session of traditional Reiki is suitable for you.